Various Other Pacesetter Corporation Experiences

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From:    Private
E-Mail:  Private
Subject: Trying to cancel, but missed the 3day window

My husband and I signed the contracts a few weeks ago for Pacesetter to build on a patio enclosure. I did not research them at all until just now. I didn't realize that I was pressured into the sale until I read all of the comments on this webpage. My husband and I both work full time and have a 2 and a half year old and a six month old. I am getting really sad at work because I miss my kids soooo much, so I decided to start an in-home daycare. That is when I called pacesetter to build on to my home so that i could have a play room for my business. I want to quit my job so desperately that when I got done listening to the sales pitch, I immediately agreed and wanted to do it as fast as i could. The total price is 20,000 and I thought that was reasonable??? Then they gave me round about quotes for how much it would probably cost when we hire out for the cement company and electrical company since they don't do those jobs. BUT, now I am finding out that I AM SO DUMB FOR NOT DOING MY HOMEWORK!! I just got so anxious at the thought of quitting my job and being home, that I jumped in without thinking.

NOW, my current problem is that I do not know if they will let me cancel. The electrical is like five times more than they led me to believe. The cement was two and a half times more than I thought. Then, the daycare licensing requires certain things for the room that a patio enclosure does not do. I called my sales rep last week and let them know that the total cost is going way too high and i am running into problems with the licensing department. The day of our sale, our sales rep said that they have built these enclosures for other women starting daycares. He also said that if I were to go with a real room addition with sheetrock and the whole works, that it would come to like 70,000. I just got an estimate out of curiosity and it came to 12,000. I am so LAME for finding this all out now.

SO my sales rep completely ignored me since I let him know that we want to cancel. He did not return my calls for a week. I got the run around from the main office too. Finally today I got a hold of the manager, Joe Blessinger, and he said that he could bring down the price a few thousand dollars to help us out. But he would never answer the question of what happens if I just cancel.

ALso, the measurement guy wanted to come out last Tuesday becasue our cement slab had just been poured on Monday. He wanted to take the final measurements so they could order teh parts. I let him know that I had told my sales rep just the day before that I wanted to cancel. He said that he really needed to come and take measurements just to have them on file and that he was gonna be in our area. He would come btween 11-1pm. He never showed up last tuesday. THen today as I am talking to Joe Blessinger, he says that our enclosure is built and ready to go and I can't cancel.

I SAY "How could it be built, the guy never showed up to the appointment." He said that the guy came and we were'nt home so he helped himself to the back yard and measured!!!!!

I said that my husband was most definitely home waiting and never got a call or anything. AND, he was to take measurements for the file--not to turn it in and build the walls. I said if he jumped my fence then that is illegal and i did not give my permission to come on my property without knowing it etc..etc..

THat is when I knew that they were totally tricking me and wanted the sale so bad that they slyly snuck in to my yard and did that. Niether of my sales rep or the measurement guys returned my pages or voiceemails at all last week because as soon as they heard I was cancelling they had to lay low and try to get these parts built so that I will be held accoutable to pay for them.

I understand that I signed a contract, but i was given false information and was lead to believe certain things on good faith. My sales rep brought his six month old baby along with him for gods sake. I thought he was a good guy giving me sound advice about this. Now I see that he brought his kid, not because his sitter flaked, but to win me over because he knew that I wanted to be a daycare worker.

Is there anyone out there that is a lawyer or knows of one. Because we want out of this deal completely, but I don't think that it is going to be possible now. I am sick to my stomache at how clueless I am. We are young, it is our first house, and our first MAJOR thing we have ever done financially. No matter what happens with pacesetter, I will always research no matter how good the sales pitch is.

Please offer advice or insight into this.

Admin's Note: This post may have been altered from the original version to remove the sender's name and e-mail. Spelling and grammar have not been corrected.

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