Various Other Pacesetter Corporation Experiences

Any opinions expressed in the following story are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the positions of anyone involved in the creation or maintenance of this web site. Information presented in the message should be considered "as observed by, and to the best knowledge of, the author", and not as a statement of fact.

Thanks to Pacesetter Corp. and their attempted legal action to shut down this site, we have now started asking each author to swear, under penalty of perjury, that everything stated in their story is true. Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to contact this author. However, someone seems to have posted this story on the newsgroup, and thus it can now be read there.

Click here to view this story at another site.

From:    Private
E-Mail:  Private
Subject: telemarketter from pacesetter

I also was just contacted by a person who represented Pacesetter corporation. This person identified himself as Ryan Mounkes(sp?) from Omaha, Nebraska. This is the first time I have ever heard of this company. I asked this person if he was a telemarketter and he said No, he just wanted to give me some information about the company and they have a representative in the area. I asked him again are you a telemarketter and he said NO, i asked this person if he was solicity business for this company and he dodged it again. He then told me he has a brain dissorder. I then asked him what the name of the company was again and he told me pacesetter, I asked him if the company is incorporated, he told me that he did not know, I asked him what the telephone number was for pacesetter and he responded that he did not know. Well, he called the wrong person this time... and I told him if he calls back, it will be the last time he calls this number.. If anyone has any feedback.. feel free to e- mail me.

Admin's Note: This post may have been altered from the original version to remove the sender's name and e-mail. Spelling and grammar have not been corrected.

We asked this author if they wanted us to post their e-mail address so people could contact them, but they preferred that anyone wanting to contact them do so through us.

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Since 3/8/07